Israeli war on Gaza 'betrayal of humanity': UN humanitarian chief

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The United Nations humanitarian chief has described the Israeli regime's ongoing genocidal war against the Gaza Strip as a "betrayal of humanity."

Martin Griffiths, the world body's under-secretary-general for humanitarian affairs and emergency relief, made the remarks in a statement on Saturday.

"Each day, this war claims more civilian victims," he said, adding, "Every second that it continues sows the seeds of a future so deeply obscured by this relentless conflict."

Griffiths lamented "the unconscionable prospect of further escalation in Gaza, where no one is safe and there is nowhere safe to go."

The UN official called for a "collective determination that there be a reckoning for" this brutal campaign of bloodshed and destruction.

Griffiths, meanwhile, noted that "an already fragile aid operation continues to be undermined by bombardments, insecurity, and denials of access."

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